Many people overlook security when their home or business requires fumigation treatment as many believe toxic fumes and chemicals deter criminals. The truth is your home or business is not safe and is extremely vulnerable when fumigation takes place. In the fumigation tenting process cameras are covered, windows are required to be left open and doors must remain unlocked.
When you hire 5 Star Security Services you will have uniformed security who will be there for the entire duration of the fumigation process from start to finish. The security presence will act as a deterrent for those who are a potential risk. Our security guards are equipped with state of the art technology enabled with a patrol system which tracks the location of the on-duty security guard to make sure they are safe and keeps up with their patrols. Our clients receive daily logs each morning, incident reports and other pertinent information.
The safety of your home/business, personal and sentimental belongings is our priority. No property is too big or too small in the minds of criminals, don’t risk leaving your home or business unprotected during your next fumigation.